Send Alerts

Send Alerts related to Task Run

· User can send Alerts regarding the Task Run.

· Work Flow Alert mail configurations will be taken from MailSettings

· Alerts can be sent once the Task is Run or when the Task fails as specified.

· Right click on the Task about which user wants to get alerts.


· This tab enables user to get the Alert Mail about the status of the Task Run.

· Enter the Email to which the Alter has to be sent.

· ‘Alert On’ has two dropdowns, After Running and Failure.

  1. After Running – Alert will be sent once the Task is Run.

  2. Failure – Alert will be sent only if the Task Run Fails.


· Enter the Mail Subject.

· User can separately define Success Message and Failure Message.

· Sending of Error Details can be set True or False.

· There are 2 types of Attachments in email Alert, Excel and Htm.
