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Add Group Task

How to Add Group Task in Work Flow?

· User can Add multiple Tasks under one Group Task.

Step 1: Define Group Task

· Click in Add icon and select the search icon to select the Task.

· Since we are creating a Group Task, select the empty task at the top.


· Set Group Task to be True. Group Task and Description should be filled as per requirement.


· Save the changes.

Step 2: Define Child Task

· To add child, right click on the Task or Description to which user wishes to add Child Task.


· Click on the Child Task Tab to define new Tasks.

· Click on add flag to define.


· Task should be defined followed by Priority.

· User can decide if to stop or continue to run a Task if the Task fails.

· If True, the Run process will continue even if the Task fails.


· Child task will be arranged according to the Priority.


· Once the Group Task is created, it will be displayed in the Work Flow screen with ‘+’ button beside it.

· Press ‘+’ button to expand and see the Child Tasks.
