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User Defined Tables in Grid Row Header

Display User Defined Table from Grid Row Header

· By defining Module Name and Data Grid Name in User Defined Table, the user can display Tables when Right Click on Grid Row Header.

Step 1: Define User Defied Table

· User can define new tables under Utilities. This step remains the same as in Example only change is to define both Module Name and Data Grid Name.

· In this example, we use Item and ItemMaster as Module Name and Data Grid Name respectively.


· Click on Add icon to add various columns, data types and column lengths to the table.


· Add the table and save it.

· Other steps like Menu Design and User Authorization remains the same as in Example

· Clear Cache once the changes are made.

Step 2: View Result

· Go to Menu Bar --> User Tables --> Module Table. Add a new row to the Table and save it.


· To display Table from Grid Row Header, Go to Menu bar --> Static --> Item (since module name is Item).

· Right Click in the Grid Row Header to get Module Table as one of the options.


· Upon clicking on Module Table, the user can see the defined table.
