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Add Default Value

· User can define a default value for any column while defining the Tables.

· Any value given in the field will appear in the Table as it is.

· If the user wants the default value to be an incremental number like serial numbers, use Auto code in Default Value.

Step 1: Define Default Value

· Follow the same steps as followed in this Example to define table.

· Add a new column and fill in the fields.

· Give an appropriate name and description.

· Data type must be ‘Int’ Default value should be Auto. Add it.


· The column gets added to the User Defined Table. Save the changes.


Step 2: View Result

· Since all the steps like Menu design and User Authorization are completed in the previous example, the user can directly view the tables.

· Clear Cache after any changes in the tables.

· Go to User tables --> Sample Table Name

· Click on Add icon to enter Items in the table and select Grid View.


· Add Item and other fields. The serial Number column will be auto-filled once the table data is added to the table.


· Serial Number column gets incremental numbers in the Table.
