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Create User Defined Tables

· The user needs to define new Tables or Reports so that management of the Tables or Reports will be easier.

· The screen helps in adding newly User Defined Tables.

Step 1: Define User Table

· Go to Utilities in the Menu bar and then to User Defined Tables to find the following page.


· Click on New and start entering Table Name and Menu Name. Refer to the Table to fill in the fields.

Fields Description
Table Name Name of the table as identifier
Menu Name Name of the table as it should appear on the menu
Module Name Name of the module. This is used when the table has to be opened right click on any data grid.
Data Grid Name Name of the grid within the module. This is used when the table has to be opened right click on any data grid.

· Click on New and start entering Table Name and Menu Name.

· Table Name should be given without any special character between the words including space and Menu Name can have space between words.

· Select the appropriate Module. Here, we select Planning and Scheduling.


· Click Add icon to define the name of the column, data types and column length.


· Data can be added both in Grid View and Form View. For convenience, we fill the data in Grid View.

· Refer to the Table below to fill out the form.

Field Description
Column Name Name of the column
Column Description The display name that the user wants to see in the UI for the column
Column Data Type Data Type of the specific column
Column Length Data Type of the specific column
Default Value Default value if exist for the column
Column Tool Tip Column Tool Tip name
Drop Down Values Define Drop Down values
Formula Define formula
Column Color Define column colour. The format is front colour; back colour. Give a colour name or RGB values
Not Null Select if it is a not null column
Primary Key Select if it is a primary key column
Generate SQL Shows in Edit mode only. Use to add/edit SQL query


· User has to give Plant Id, Last Update, Last Updated User, and Num Updates compulsorily.

· Plant Id shows where the database is maintained.

· Last Update shows when was the last done. This column is automatically updated by the solution.

· Last Updated User shows who has made the last update. This column is automatically updated by the solution.

· Num Updates shows how many times updates were done on a particular row. By default, it should be given 0 and Data Type should be Int

· User should also tick the Primary Key box to make and edit or delete the columns in the User Defined Tables.

· Add the form once the entry of data is finished.

Step 2: Custom Menu Design

· This page helps the user to edit the Menu bar.

· Menu Bar --> Utilities --> Custom Menu Design

· Click Edit and enter an appropriate name in the Text Field and select the module type in the dropdown.


· Add Child by right click on the User Tables.


· Select Type as User Table and Program will drop down. Select a Sample Table Name that is predefined. Save it.


Step 3: User Authorization

· Follow the same procedure as followed in the custom report.

· Tick all the checkboxes since we want to perform all the operations like Add, Edit, Delete and View. Update it.


· Clear Cache once the changes are made.

View Table

· Go to Menu bar --> User Tables --> Sample Table Name.


· Click Add icon to add entries to the table. The user can also fill in the entries in the Grid View for more convenience.


· Click on Add to see Items in the Table.


· Last two columns are automatically updated.