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Define Parameters

How to Define Dependent Parameter in Custom Report.

· User can define parameters in such a way that the selection of one parameter is dependent on the value selected on another parameter.

· For Example, we define Item description to be dependent on the Item. While generating the report, the user will be able to select only one Item description which is with respect to the Item selected.


Step 1: Define Report Name


· Follow the same steps as followed in the Example Save it.

Step 2: Define Parameters

· Click on Add icon in the Parameter list. The user has to define the Parameter name and Type.

· If the user wishes to add more than one data while generating a report then Multi-select should be True, else False.

· Dependent Parameters have to be defined, here we enter ‘ItemDesc’.

· Fill the fields accordingly.


· Enter SQL Query by clicking on Generate button. This will help the user to select a unique Item from the list. Save and Add.


· Similarly add another parameter which is Item Description.


· Refer to the image below for SQL Query. Save and Add.


· Refer to the image below to see the data entered in a Grid form.


Step 3: Define Custom Report tab

· Click on Add icon to fill in the fields.


· Refer to the image below for SQL Query. Save and Add.


· Please make note, the below Query is for a single select.

select * from WorkOrderPlan where Item =[:Item] and PlantId=[:LoginPlantId]

· For Multi-select users must make the following changes.

select * from WorkOrderPlan where Item in ([:Item]) and PlantId=[:LoginPlantId]


· Custom Menu Design and User Authorization remains the same as in this Example

Step 4: View Report

· Go to Menu bar --> Test Report --> Sample Report.

· Select the Item from the drop downs.


· Click on ItemDesc drop downs and the user will be able to see only one Item Description corresponding to the Item selected.


· After selecting Item and Item Description click on Generate Reports.
