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Create Dashboard

Create Dashboard


· Users can create their Dashboards which can be viewed within the tool.

· User can create Dashboard to view reports without parameters. If parameters have to be defined then it should be done in Dashboard Layout under ‘Define Custom Report’.

· User can define multiple dashboards which will be displayed as different tabs in the view screen.

Step 1: Define Dashboard and type

· Go to Utilities --> Dashboard Design.


· Click the Edit icon to enter the data.

· Dashboard has to be added by clicking the icon at the top right corner of the tool.


· A tab opens with a Dashboard list in which we need to enter the Group name in the description and add the Dashboard.

· User can view dashboards which are tab separated.

· User can add multiple Groups followed by multiple Dashboards in each of the Groups.


· Here we Use SampleDesign as Group and Tab1 as Dashboard. Close it.


· Once the Dashboard is defined, select the format of the report in the dashboard. We call it control.

· We have multiple formats of control, such as

  1. Data Grid

  2. Text

  3. Pivot

  4. Chart

  5. Pie/Doughnut Chart

  6. Stacked Chat

  7. Horizontal Bar Chart

  8. Stepped Line Chart

  9. Radar Chart

  10. Polar Chart

  11. Bubble Chart

  12. Gauge Chart

· In this exercise we get the report in Data Grid type.


· Controls are the different segments that appear in Dashboard. After the selecting control type. Add Control.


Step 2: Define SQL Query

· SQL Query has to be entered in the DataResource Setting tab. Query type can be of two types.

  1. User Query

  2. Stored Procedure

· The tab comes with multiple options too,

  1. Change the visibility of the Header, Footer, etc.

  2. Edit the title.

  3. Change the Color and Font of characters.


· SQL Query can be entered in the Property window, which also facilitates giving an appropriate title for the control. The user can also change the Header and Footer

· In this example, we are adding 3 controls and the Query for them is given below.

  1. Select Item, ItemType from ItemMaster where ItemType = 'Manufactured'

  2. Select Item, Sellable from ItemMaster where Sellable = 'False'

  3. Select Item, OrderStatus, and QtyPlanned from WorkOrderPlan

· Select Enter SQL Query in each DataSource Setting tab, and customise the size and location of the controls.

· Proper name should be given to each control which can be entered in the Title box. Save it.


Step 3: Custom Menu Design

· Go to Utilities --> Custom Menu Design to find the following page.

· This page allows users to design the menu bar.

· Click the Edit icon and fill the Text field with a proper name which must appear in the Menu bar.

· Select module type and in this example, we select Planning and Scheduling.


· Right click on the Sample Dashboard to add the child. The child is the one that drops down once we click on Sample Dashboard.


· Select Dash Board in the Type dropdown. The Program box drops down the SampleDesign which is predefined. Save it.


Step 4: User Authorization

· For User authorization, follow the same steps as in this Example

· Clear the Cache once the changes are made.

Step 5: View Dashboard

· Sample Dashboard should appear in the menu bar.


· Go to Sample Dashboard and click on SampleDesign to view the following Dashboard.
