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Add Conditional Colour

Conditional Colors in Report

· User can colour particular values with certain colours with the help of Customize Captions.

· In this example, we colour values of Qty Completed with some conditions.

· To define a Custom Report and to bring it to the Menu, refer to this Example

Step 1: Select Tab Name

Go to Menu Bar --> Customize Captions

· User can colour both Pre-defined columns and custom reports.

· Select Report Column Header to colour Custom report. Click on add icon.

· Click on Add icon to Select Report Name, enter Column Name, and Column Description and save it.


· Click on Set Style to add new styles with colours.


· Drag down to give conditions so that colour is added only to some particular values. In this example, we give conditions of value equal to 10 coloured Green.


· Similarly add 2 more styles and give respective conditions.

· Value less than 5 is coloured light red.

· Value equal to 8 is coloured sky blue.


· The user can also select icons for certain styles. Even the colours of icons can be changed.


· Save it and Clear Cache.

Step 2: View Resul

· Go to Test Report in the Menu bar and click on Sample Report.

· User can notice the colours according to conditions defined in Customize Captions.
