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Add Colour Customize Captions

Add Colors in the Report using Customize Captions

· User can customize the style and add colours in the report using Customize Caption. In this example, we add colours in the report using Customize Caption.

· User needs to previously define report, attach Report to Menu, Authorize User and all other steps can be referred to in Example

Step 1: Select Tab Name

· Go to Menu Bar --> Customize Captions

· User can colour both Pre-defined columns and custom reports.

· Select Report Column Header to colour Custom report. Click on add icon.


· Select Report Name (Tab Name to be selected), enter Column Name and Column Description.

· User may give column description as Material. Add it.


· Click on Set Style to give add Custom Styles.


· Add a new style and specify the colours. Save it.


· Clear Cache once the changes are saved.

Step 2: View Report

· Find Test Report in Menu Bar and then click on Sample Report.

· User can see all items Colored in Green that were defined.
