

· All the captions such as buttons, column headers and menus can be changed using Customize Captions under Utilities.

· Customize Captions can be done in mainly four tabs

  1. Column Header

  2. Control Captions

  3. Drop Down Values

  4. Report Column Header

  5. Errors

· Column Header is used to modify column description and colour in built-in and User Defined Tables.

· Report Column Header is used to modify column descriptions and colours in Custom Report.

· Erros is used to modify Error Messages that needs to be display in the application.

· How to Change Captions?

· User can change the captions of the Button, Datagrid, Labels or Menu using Customize Captions.

· In This example, we change the Name of a Menu.

· Go to Menu , Utilities-->Customize Captions, Select Control Captions tab.

· Select Menu to change the name in menu bar.


· Click on Edit icon to change the ‘File’ to ‘File Name’. User can try the same with other captions available.


· Save the change and Clear Cache.

· User can see the ‘File’ Menu changed to ‘File Name’.


· How to Change Drop Down Values using Customize Captions?

· Customize Captions,Select DropDownValues Tab.


· Data can be added both in Grid View and Form View. For conveniency, we fill the data in Grid View.

. Select ItemMaster to make changes in the drop down values of ItemType.

User can now see the drop values under ItemMaster.

Click on Edit icon and make the changes in the ItemType like,

Manufactured --> Manufactured Item

Imaginary ---> Imaginary Item

Phantom ---> Phantom Item


· Save the changes and Clear Cache.

· User can now see ItemMaster. Click on Edit Icon to see the changes in the drop-down values.


Export and Import in customize captions

· User can Export the data using Export button to .xlsx and Edit the data and import using Import button
