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Custom Menu Design

Custom Menu Design screen helps users to create menus for the custom reports, user defined tables, custom screens and dashboards. The user can also modify the menu once it is created.

Custom menu design is availbale in Utilities menu. Go to Utilities and click on Custom Menu Design.

The screen will appear as follows


On the left hand side of the screen, list of default menu appears. On the right hand side of the screen, a utility where user can select options like menu, user tables, custom screens or reports.

Adding a Menu

To name a menu, follow below instructions.

· Click on the Edit button from the top corner to create menu.

· Only “Text” and “Module” box are active since “Type” is already defined.


· Give proper name for the menu in the text filed. Menu name will replace the default menu in the left hand side of the screen.

· Select the Module Name from the drop down, in which we need to attach the Custom Menu.

· The user can also add Icon to the menu by click on the Select Icon button. It will popup an Icon window.


· Select an Icon from the list and click Save button.

· The given details will show like in the image below.


Once a custom menu is created user can add a child to the menu.

User can add child menus among the following

  1. Menu
  2. User Defined Table
  3. Custom Report
  4. Custom Screen
  5. Dashboard

To add a Child, follow below instructions.

Adding Custom Report as child

· Click on Edit button and right click on a named menu or add a new menu

· Select Add child from the context menu.


· Click on the child menu, change the Type from the dropdown and select Custom Report


· All the Defined Custom Reports will show in the Program dropdown list. Select one

· If there is no custom report, check this link to Define report

· The user can also add the icon. Click on the Select Icon button and choose one from the window.


· Add all the fields required and save the report.

· Add the custom menu into User Autorization. Check this link to configure User Authorization screen

· After clearing the cache, the screen will appear on the menu bar.


Adding User Table as Child

· Click on Edit button and right click on a named menu or add a new menu.

· Select Add child from the context menu.


· Click on the child menu, change the Type from the dropdown and select User Table


· All the Defined User Defined Tables will show in the Program dropdown list. Select one

· If there is no custom report, check this link to Create User Defined Tables


· Select Module and Icon for the menu, then Save.

· Add the custom menu into User Autorization. Check this link to configure User Authorization screen

· After clearing the cache, the screen will appear in the menu bar.


Adding a child menu

· Click on Edit button and right click on a named menu or add a new menu.

· Select Add child from the context menu.


· The Type will be Menu by default. No need to change.

· Change the Text of the menu with proper name


· Setting icon is not required. No icon will show for sub menus

· Click on save icon. The screen will show only if it has any other types like custom report, user defined table, custom screen or dashboard.

Adding Custom Screen as Child

· Click on Edit button and right click on a named menu or add a new menu.

· Here, We are going to add custom screen under a child menu named Advanced.

· Select Add child from the context menu.


· On the right side, select Type as Custom Screen


· Give the screen name as Program name

· The user should provide the URL to access the screen. Give the directory location of the script which is added in the application folder.

· Give proper icon to the menu and save the settings.


The screen will show like in the image shown below


Adding Custom Dashboard as Child

· Click on Edit button and right click on a named menu or add a new menu.

· Select Add child from the context menu.


· Click on the child menu, change the Type from the dropdown and select Dashboard


· All the custom dashborads will show in the Program dropdown list. Select one

· If there is no dashborads, check this link to Dashboard Design

· Give proper icon to the menu and save the settings.


· The details will show like in the image given below. Save the settings


· Add the custom menu into User Autorization. Check this link to configure User Authorization screen

· After clearing the cache, the screen will appear in the menu bar.
