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Sequence Dependent Setup Time

While scheduling work orders on a resource, if there is a sequence dependent setup time, then this has to be taken into account. While planning, the resource is loaded with work orders for a given bucket but they are not sequenced. In scheduling, these work orders are sequenced.

Suppose the following orders are loaded on a resource for a given bucket date

  • WO1_Black, WO2_White, WO3_Yellow, WO4_White

Let the sequence dependent setup time be as given below

  • Moving from Black to White and vice versa takes 30 mins.
  • Moving from Black to Yellow and vice versa takes 30 mins.
  • Moving from White to Yellow and vice versa takes 10 mins.

If the resource is currently running a Yellow product, then optimum sequencing would be * WO3_Yellow -> WO2_White -> WO4_White -> WO1_Black

Entering Data


Here attributes have to be specified. Attributes could be colour, size, speed etc

Field Description
Attribute Name Name of the Attribute.
Attribute Description Description of the Attribute.
Setup Time Setup Time in minutes needs to be applied for the attribute.
Attribute Order Which attribute should be used first for sorting. It is an integer value. Typically, a higher setup time will have the lowest Attribute Order number.
SortASC While sequencing, how the sort of attribute value should be. Possible values are True for ascending and False for descending.
SortType Sort type could be either String, Number or Date.


Item Attributes

Here Item is associated with attributes and a value is given to it.

Field Description
Item Item for which attribute setup time is to be considered.
Attribute Name Attribute name that should be used for the setup time
Attribute Value Value of the attribute.
Item Attribute Value
Item_Y Color Yellow
Item_B Color Black
Item_W Color White

Item Attributes Op Setup Time

Here a setup time in minutes for the operation associated with an item can be specific. For this right click on Item and click on option Op set up Time

Field Description
Item Item for which attribute operation setup time to be considered.
Attribute Name Attribute name that should be used for the operation setup time
Operation Operation name for the setup time.
SetupTime Setup time value in minutes



Sequence Dependent Setup Time

Here setup time is specified for moving from one attribute value to another

Field Description
From Attribute From Attribute name that should be used
To Attribute To Attribute name that should be used
SetupTime Setup time needs to be applied.
Time Uom Uom of setup time
From Attribute To Attribute Time Time Uom
Black White 30 Minutes
White Black 30 Minutes
Black Yellow 30 Minutes
Yellow Black 30 Minutes
White Yellow 10 Minutes
Yellow White 10 Minutes
