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Replenishment Plan Screen

How to View Replenishment Plan?

· User has to Run Work Flow before going to Replenishment Plan Screen. This will consider the parameters defined while generating Replenishment.

· To Run Work Flow, go to Menu bar --> File --> Work Flow.

· Tick the tasks to be performed and click on the Run button.


· To view Replenishment Plan, go to the Menu bar --> Replenishment --> Replenishment Plan.

· The page is similar to the Forecast Plan screen like Tree Structure Panel (Hierarchy Panel), selection of Data Measures, From and To Dates and Save Filter.

· Locations that are displayed in the Tree Panel are specified in the Region Master Refer: Supply Hierarchy. Locations that are set True for Replenishment Hierarchy are shown in the Replenishment Plan.

· Select a combination of Product and Location to display the Replenishment Plan.


· Select the From and To date.

· Select Data Measures and Save them. The Replenishment Plan displays the selected Data Masters and Product-Location combination.


Demand Stream:

· Forecast: Net Forecasted Quantity minus Despatch Quantity for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Dependant Demand: This is the demand of supply location (aggregated Planned Orders of demand locations).

· Customer Orders: Customer Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

Supply Stream:

· Beginning OnHand: Inventory available for the selected Item -Location.

· Purchase Orders: Purchase Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Production Orders: Production Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· In-transit Orders: In-transit Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Firm Planned Orders: Firm Planned Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket. This can be editable and we will recalculate the Replenishment based on the edited values.


· Planned Orders: Order needs to be generated based on the parameters for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

Replenishment Rules:

· Original Forecast: Forecasted Quantity for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket. We can specify the Forecast data Measure in the Replenishment Parameters screen. Also, we can map the Forecast location in the Forecast Replenishment Location Mapping screen.

· Dependant Forecast: Forecast at supply location (aggregated Forecast from Demand Locations).

· Un-forecasted Orders: Un-forecasted Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Total Demand: Forecast or Customer Orders whichever quantity is higher and dependent demand at supply location for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Despatches: Despatches that need to be considered. This will be considered only for the first bucket.

· Min Cover: Min cover specified in the Item Location screen.

· Max Cover: Max cover specified in the Item Location screen. If we specified this, this will consider for generating Planned Orders.

· Stock Cover: How many future buckets of Demand can be fulfilled by the Ending on Hand quantity.

· Ending on Hand: Ending inventory quantity after fulfilling total demand and Min cover.

· Revised Beginning on Hand: Inventory available for the selected Item -Location.

· Revised Planned Orders: The supply from the Supply location to demand locations to fulfil the demand (Planned Orders).

· Revised Ending on Hand: Considering the Revised Beginning OnHand and Revised Planned Orders, how much Inventory is available after fulfilling the Demand.


· Let’s understand the various demands and supply with an example.

· Below is the table, with some Data Measures and respect values.

Data Measures 1 2 3 4
Beginning on Hand 27 14 27 14
Forecast 10 10 10 10
Dependant Demand 3 2 3 2
Customer Orders 8 9 10 11
Total Demand 13 12 13 13
Safety Stock 3 3 3 3
Planned Order 25 25
Ending Inventory 14 2 14 1

· Total Demand = (Forecast + Dependent Demand) or (Customer Order + Dependent Demand), the one which is higher is considered for Total Demand.

· Total Demand if fulfilled with the Inventory available.

· Ending Inventory is the left-out stock after demand is fulfilled.

· If the Ending inventory is lesser than the Safety Stock, Planned orders will be generated depending upon the lot size.

· User is allowed to edit only two Data Measures, that is,

  1. Firm Planned Orders.

  2. Unforecasted Orders.


· User can enable and disable the option to view Graph in Replenishment Plan Screen.


Save Filter

· User can save User specific filters by giving a name and clicking on the Save Filter button.

· This will save the selected date range, Hierarchy description, Products, Regions, and Data Measures.

· A single user can save more than one filter by giving different filter names and can set one as Default Filter.

· If the user reopens the screen the default filter data will be loaded.


Safety Stock Details

· User can check Safety Stock Details by a right click on the Item in the Grid.

· The safety stock is defined in the Supply Hierarchy.



· User can edit the values in the Data Masters in 2 ways.

  1. Edit Flag.

  2. Double Click.

· Only two Data Measures can be edited. Firm Planned Orders and Un-forecasted Orders.

· All three ways of editing are similar to the edit option in the Forecast Plan. Refer: Forecast Plan

· Click on the Edit flag and change the value. Save it.


Action Message

· Based on the selected action messages, the tree structure panel will be getting reloaded.


· Click on the Action Message button. Select an action and Location. The tree structure panel will be reloaded.


· Replenishment Plan
