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Item Buffer


Item at a given location is called a Buffer. Buffer is located both before and after any routing . This stores information on planned demands and supplies for the item as well as the links between supplies and demands.


Supply Demand Pegging

Whenever a sales order is received, all the other orders like work order and procurement order have to be created. A link has to be created among all these orders to show which upstream orders are feeding downstream orders. This link is called Pegging.


At each buffer, there are supplies coming into it and demand placed on it. This link of supply to demand on a buffer is called supply-demand pegging. There will be a lot of supplies coming into the buffer and similarly a lot of demand placed on the buffer. The difference in quantity between all the supplies and demands results in ending-on-hand (eoh) or Inventory on that buffer. If the supply is more than demand, then we have positive eoh. If the demand is more than supply, then the order has to be short as we don’t have enough supply and eoh is made to zero. There can be one to many or many to one relationships between supply and demand. Pegging should have the following information

  • Supply order
  • Supply item
  • Supply type whether it is a work order, procurement, inventory or distribution
  • Quantity fed to demand
  • Demand order
  • Demand type whether it is a work order, distribution or sales order
Field Description
Item The identifier of the item to which this pegging definition applies. This is the item supply feeds to the demand.
SupplyOrderId This is a unique identifier used to track supply orders.
SupplyLineId An identifier of the line item of the supply order.
DemandOrderId A unique identifier of the demand order.
DemandLineId An identifier of the line item of the demand order.
LocationId The identifier of the location. This is the location where the item will be fed after this order is completed.
DemandType The type of demand like SalesOrders, DistributionOrders or WorkOrders
SupplyType The type of supply. Possible values are: DistributionOrders, Word Orders, Purchase Orders or Inventory.
QuantityFed The quantity of the material assigned from this supply to meet the specified demand.
PeggingLocked This is to specify if the pegging is locked. If it is locked, then it cannot be changed. This is automatically turned to true when
  • QtyIssued > 0
  • Any demand has started its execution
QtyIssued Quantity issued to the demand. Quantity can be issued only if the supply is inventory and hence this can be added only from the inventory.
IssueDate Date when quantity is issued


To view the pegging of any item at a buffer, do as given below

  1. Right click on any item from any screen

  2. Select the option “Item Buffer”

This will take you to the item buffer screen for the selected item. From the same screen, pegging for different items can be viewed by changing the items in the combo box. There are two options for viewing the pegging data

  1. Supply - Demand

  2. Supply + Demand

Supply - Demand

In this option, the item buffer is split into three levels:

  1. List of supplies: This lists all the supplies for the selected item. It can be from the work order, procurement, distribution or inventory

  2. List of demands: This lists all the demands which require the selected item. It can be from a work order, distribution or sales order

  3. Existing pegging: For the selected supply or demand, it lists the pegging. If the supply is selected from the list of supplies, then it will list the demand it feeds to. Similarly, if the demand is selected from the list of demand, then it will list the supplies it receives from.


Supply + Demand

In this option, all the pegging for the selected item will be displayed. This will show how the item is fed to various demands.
