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SOP(Sales and Operations)

Sales and Operations

· SOP is the management process that includes an updated forecast which leads to the Forecast Plan and Replenishment Plan.

· SOP Screen helps the user to view and edit the Forecast and Replenishment Plans in a single screen.

· To view SOP Screen, go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> SOP.


· This screen will display Forecast, Replenishment, and Forecast Saved Data in the same grid.

· The Product Tree and Region Tree will be shown in the Left panel as shown.

· Region Tree will be shown Forecast and Replenishment Locations.

· User can select a Product/ Region in the parent level and one in the last level.


· Select the Model and the Data Measure that has to be displayed such as Forecast Data Measures, Replenishment Data Measures and Saved Data Measures that are defined in Data Measure Masters.

· User can also select the Classification to apply the filter while selecting the Product and Region.

· Once the Data Measures are selected, click on the Show button to view the Plan (Forecast/Replenishment).

Forecast Data Measure

· Select the Product and Region. Select Forecast Data Measure from the dropdowns. Click on Select to Add Data Measure and save it.


· Click on the Show button to view the Forecast Plan. The plan will be displayed for selected Data Measures.


· User can select the Product or Region at any level but at least one should be at SKU.

· If the user selects any level that has other levels under it, the plan will be displayed with expand button to see the lower levels.


· The button beside the + button will expand the lower levels completely.

Replenishment Data Measures

· Select the Product and the Location in the Region tree for which Replenishment Plan has to be displayed.

· Select Repl Data Measures in the dropdown. Select Replenishment Data Measures and click on the Show button.


· Select and Add the Data Measure and click on the show button to display the Replenishment Plan.

· Replenishment Plan will be displayed for the selected Data Measures.


Saved Data Measures

· Select Saved Data Measures in the drop downs. Saved Data Measures will be defined in the Data Measures Masters.


· Click on the Show button to display the Forecast Plan for the Saved Data Measures.


Additional Columns

· User can select additional columns Description, Remark and Note.

· Selected Product/Region Descriptions will be shown. Also, the Note and Remarks columns will be shown in the grid.

· Note and Remarks are Editable.

· Select Additional Columns from the dropdowns and click on the select button to Add Additional Columns.


· Click on the Show button to view these columns in the grid.



· Classification is a kind of filtration based on the Cumulative Percentage of Quantity.

· Select Classification from the dropdowns. Select the Classification and Region.


· The tree panel will be rearranged accordingly.


Action Message

· User can select the Action Message and Region.

· Based on the selection, Tree will be getting filtered.


Tool Tip

· If there are any User-Defined Columns in the Product Master and Region Master, then they will be selected in the Tool Tip.

· Select ‘Tool Tip’ from the dropdowns. Click on the Select button to add the desired User-Defined Columns.


Save Filter

· User can save User specific filters by giving a name and clicking on the Save Filter button.

· This will save the selected Date Range, Hierarchy Description, Products, Regions, Data Measures, Classification and Data Measure View Group.

· A single user can save more than one filter by giving different filter names and can set one as Default Filter. Click on the Save Filter button.

· If the user reopens the screen the default filter data will be loaded.
