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Unit of Measure

UOM (Unit of Measure) and UOM Conversion Factors

· UOM Master helps the user to define the UOM of the Products along with the decimal places.

· In UOM Master, the user can only define the UOM like Kilograms, Litres or any other UOMs.

· Item or Region-based UOM can be defined in the UOM Conversion Factors Master.

Step 1: Define UOM.

· To define UOMs, go to Menu Bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> UOM Master.


· Click on Add flag and define the UOM to be used along with the Number of Decimal Places.


· After UOM, the user has to define the Product based UOM and the conversion factor.

· To define Product based UOM, go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> UOM Conversion Factor.


Product Id Product name.
UOM Unit of measure that needs to be applied.
Conversion Value Conversion value from base quantity.

· Click on Add flag and define Product and UOM. Click on the search icon and a list of products and predefined UOM will appear.


· Add the values entered.


· Further users can define Region based conversion. Right-click on the Product Id to define Region wise conversion.


· A new master appears on the same screen

· If UOM conversion is product-region specific, then it needs to be defined here, and then it will take the UOM conversion value from here. Otherwise, it will take from Forecast UOM Conversion Factors.


Product Id Product name
UOM Unit of measure that needs to be applied.
Region Id Region where this unit of measure is applied.
Conversion Value Conversion value from base quantity.

Step 2: View Result.

· Once the UOM is defined, the user can display the Forecast Plan selecting the appropriate UOM.

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Forecast Plan.

· Select the combination of Product and Region for which UOM is defined. Select the Data Measure and Forecast Plan will be displayed.

· If no UOM is selected, the forecast is generated for the Base UOM.


· I the user Selects the Kgs in the UOM dropdowns, the Forecast Plan will be displayed in Kgs.


· If the user selects any UOM that is not defined for the Product-Region combinations, then Forecast Plan generated will be ‘0’.


· User-specific UOM can be defined in User Authorization.

· Go to Menu bar --> File --> User Authorization. Select the Role Tab, and right-click on Admin.

· User can then define UOM under the User UOM tab. Only the specified UOM will appear in the Forecast Plan.


· Go to Forecast Plan screen and the UOM dropdowns will be Base and Kgs.
