Statistical and SOP

View Data as a Group (Statistical/S&OP)

· User can group the Data Measures based on whether they are statistical or S&OP. The same will be displayed in a different tab in Forecast Plan.

· This can be done in Data Measure Master. Click on the Edit flag to select Data View Group from the dropdowns. Save it.


· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Forecast Plan.

· Select the combination of product and region. Select Data Measures.

· The Forecast Plan displays for Demand Forecast.

· User can Select S&OP to view the Data Measures grouped under it.


· Click on Statistical to see the Data Measures grouped under it.


· Any Data Measures that are not grouped under S&OP or Statistical are shown in both Tabs. For example, Data Measures like ‘One Year Before’ and ‘Two Year Before’ will be shown under both Tabs.