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Forecast Plan

· Forecast Plan is the result of all data input and results are shown for particular Data Measure.

· History-related data is taken from History Table.

· This will display the forecast for all the forecasting techniques specified in the data measure screen.

· The user has to Run Work Flow in order to display Forecast Plan.

· The tree structure shown in Forecast Plan will be displayed from Product Master and Region Master.


· User can set either Multi Product Group or Product from dropdowns.

· Multi Product Group displays as levels of hierarchy but the Product drop down displays only Products.


· There are three options to display the data in the report.

  1. Show Selected - Displays the selected Product(s)- Region(s) data

  2. Show Next Level - Displays the selected Product(s)-Region(s) next level(s) data

  3. Show Last Level - Displays the last level of selected Product(s)-Region(s) data


· User can Search for the product or any level in the hierarchy by right clicking in the tree structure panel and selecting the Search option.


· A window appears will all products and different levels of hierarchy.


· Select any product and it will be displayed in the tree structure panel. The same works with Region Hierarchy.



· To see the description of the products, right click in the tress structure window and select the Description option.


Multiple Selection

· If the user wishes multiple products at a time, then Right click in the tress structure tab and select the Multiple Select option.


· A ‘Show’ button appears in the Forecast Plan screen which must be clicked after selecting multiple products or regions.


· Select Multiple Products and Region to display Forecast Plan. The user can even select Multiple Regions.


· Click on the Show button and Forecast Plan will be displayed.



· If the user wishes to regenerate the Forecast Plan, it can be done by right click in the tree structure tab and selecting regenerate.

· Regeneration will happen for the selected Product and Region combination and the same level needs to be given in the Product Region Parameters.


· User can also regenerate Forecast Plan by right clicking on the headers of the Forecast Plan.


Product Rank

· If the user wishes to select a Product based on the ABC Classification ranks, then right click in the Region panel and select Product Rank.


· User can then select the product based on the ABC classification.


Period/From-To/Data Measure

· User can specify some of the parameters like Period, from and to date, and some filtration options.

· Period - Shows the forecast periods based on the forecast calendar generated

· From - Forecast Start Date

· To - Date up to which Forecast needs to be displayed on the report.

· Data Measure - The user can select the data measures which need to be displayed on the report. Data Measure will be shown based on the Display order specified in the Data Measure screen.


· To view the Forecast Plan, select a combination of Product and Region. Click on Data Measure to select different Data Measure from the list.

· User can select a particular Data Measure from the list or can select all. Forecast Plan will be displayed accordingly.


· Forecast Plan appears once the selected Data Measures are saved. If Plan does not appear, select the combination of Product and Region at any level in the hierarchy.


Graph Type

· User can select different types of Graphs like Discrete/Continuous/both/None.


· The Graph changes once the dropdown is selected.

· Discrete graphs are discontinuous bar graphs with gaps between them.

· Continuous graphs are graphs that appear as one smooth curve with no gaps.


· Graph if the Graph type is both Continuous and Discrete.


· If the graph type is None, only Data Measure Table will be displayed with no graph.

Display Type

· Display Type can be changed in the Forecast plan screen.


· Data Measure as Column.


· Data Measure as Header.


· Group by Data Measure.


· Demand Forecast as Graph.


Save Filter

· If the user wishes to save any particular filter, it can be done in the Forecast Plan screen.

· Select any combination of Product and Region. Select Data Masters and Forecast Plan will be displayed.

· User can set the combination as Default in the Filter Field. Select the Save Filter flag.


· The filter will be saved. Users can select different combinations of Products and regions and set different filters and save them.

· Default filter will be loaded when the user opens the Forecast Plan. Hence, the user will be allowed to set only one filter as Default.

· Filter will be User Specific.


Waterfall Chart

· User can see the Forecast in Waterfall Chart.

· Select Data Measures to display the plan. Add and save it.


· Once the changes are made, Forecast Plan will be displayed as a waterfall chart.

· The Waterfall chart displays the saved Forecast Data.


Percentage Contribution

· User can view the Percentage Contribution of the particular product in a certain Data Measure.

· For example, if the User selects products under Commercial Split and South as Region. The number of Products forecasted for the South region will be shown below.


· If the user wishes to see the percentage contribution of each product in a certain month, click on Percentage Contribution. The contribution of each product will be shown in percentage that sums to 100%.


· User can also see the percentage contribution in a chart. Select Graph Grid in Display Type.


Edit Data

Different Methods of Editing in the Forecast Plan.

Default Setting in Forecast Plan

A Particular combination of Product and Region is saved and they atomically display once the Forecast Screen is opened.


Classification is a kind of filtration used in the Forecast Plan Screen. Defined Classifications can be selected in the Forecast Screen and the Product-Region Tree Structure will be changed accordingly.


Defining the Attributes and Adding them to the Forecast Plan Screen.


The filtration that has to be applied in the Forecast Plan should be defined in Product Region Mapping.


The user can give authorization based on a particular Product, Region and Data Measure.

User Defined Columns in Forecast Plan

The user can Define Custom Columns and those can be viewed in the Forecast Plan Screen.

Forecast Accuracy

Forecast Accuracy is calculated as the Difference Between the Forecast Demand and the Actual Demand. It will be displayed in the Percentage of Difference.