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Default Setting in Forecast Plan

User Specific Default Settings in Forecast Plan Screen

· User can set a User Specific Default Setting for the options like Multi-Select, Description and to view more information in the Forecast Plan Screen.

Step 1: Set Defaults

· To set defaults, go to Menu bar --> Utilities --> User Settings.

· Click on the Edit icon to change the setting value.

· Set the default values to True/False according to requirement.


· Set ‘Multi-Select’, ‘Description’ and ‘Show More Info’ to be True.


Step 2: View Forecast Plan

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Forecast Plan.

· User can see the Descriptions of the Product and Region appear by default.


· User can Multi-Select the Product and Region by default. Select Data Measure and click on the Show button to display Forecast Plan.


· The user can also view some more information about a particular Product and Region in a small panel beside the Forecast Grid.
