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Data Measure Master

Data Measure Master

· Data Measure Master is the table that enables user to make changes that gets reflected in the Forecast Plan.

· The Master has about 20 predefined Data Measures and user can further add Custom Data Measures using SQL Query as per the requirements.


Data Measure Data Measure name
Edit Data Whether this data measure can be edited by the user from the screen.
Data View Group Group the data measure so that it shows in a different tab on the screen.
Data Measure Type If it is a user defined data measure, then the value should be Custom.
Save Data Measure Whether the data measure value should be saved when the user executes Save Forecast from the Workflow.
Graph Type While displaying on the screen, this data measure should be shown in a line graph or bar graph.
Show Graph By default Whether the graph should be shown by default for this data measure.
Display Order Order in which the data measure should be displayed in the Forecast Plan screen.
Colour Definition of row colour for this data measure.
Graph Colour Definition of graph colour for this data measure.
Forecast Technique Statistical technique attached to this data measure.
Query Type For custom data measure, we can attach custom logic by SQL query or stored procedure. This logic will be called when the user runs the Demand Forecasting task from Workflow.
SQL Query SQL query or procedure name that needs to be executed for the custom data measure.
History Type This is used if the historical data needs to be populated year-wise like One Year Before, Two Year Before and Three Year Before. If the value is One Year Before, then the last year of history from the Forecast Start Date will be taken from Forecast Custom History and will be shown in this data measure. If the value is Two Year Before, then the one-year prior history from Forecast Start Date will be taken from Forecast Custom History and will be shown in this data measure.
History Data Measure Data measure that needs to be considered from table Forecast Custom History to show as historical data measure like One Year Before, Two Year Before and Three Year Before.
Enable UOM Conversion In the Forecast Plan screen, if user changes the UOM, should this data measure be converted to the selected UOM. Possible values are True or False. If True, when UOM is changed in Forecast Plan Screen, the values of this data measure will be converted to this UOM. If False, the value of this data measure will not change.
Custom Aggregation In the Forecast Plan screen, when a parent product is selected, the values of all the child product is aggregated for the data measure. There may be a situation when the child's products cannot be summed for the parent level. In that case, custom aggregation can be written using custom business logic. If custom aggregation is written, then this column should be set as True. By default, it is False.
Consider for Accuracy Calculation If this value is set to True then Forecast Accuracy will be calculated for this data measure. Calculation of Forecast Accuracy is through a workflow task.
Number Format Specify the number format to be displayed in the Forecast Plan screen.
Following are the predefined formats that user can use
· en-US;#,#00.00
· en-IN;#,###.0
· No_Format
Split Based on Data Measure When forecast values are changed at the parent level, the disaggregation to the child level happens based on the value of the selected data measure. But if disaggregation should happen based on the values of different data measures, then we can specify that data measure.

Forecast Techniques

List of Forecast techniques used in the Application.

Graph Type/ Graph Default/ Data Colour Column

Some of the features in the Data Measure Masters in which the user can specify the Graph Type, set the Graph to default and the Colouring of Column, are discussed here with examples.

Data as Group (Statistical/ S&OP)

The user can group the Data Measures based on whether they are statistical or S&OP. The same will be displayed in a different tab in Forecast Plan.