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Work Order Plan

A work order has to be created for any item going through a routing. The work order should have the following details

  • Routing information
  • Produced item
  • Planned quantity of produced item
  • Operation level details
  • Time to start the operation

While creating a work order, lot-sizing constraints as specified in Bom should be taken into account. If the required quantity is 200 and the lot size increment is 100, then two separate work order of 100 each has to be created.

Work order is represented through two screens:

  1. Work order plan

2.Work order operation plan

Creating a Work Order Plan

Field Description.
WorkOrderId This is a unique identifier used to track work orders.
Item Item produced by this work order
QtyPlanned This is the quantity of items planned by this work order. This is the produced quantity after the yield calculation.
QtyCompleted The number of units completed. This cannot be more than QtyPlanned
QtyRejected The number of units rejected. When the order is closed, the quantity which will be shifted to inventory will QtyCompleted – QtyRejected
OrderStatus Status of the order. This is taken into account while planning. The order which is released will not be changed during planning for both quantity and bucket date. If the order is closed, then it will be deleted and moved to inventory and history.
PlannedStartTime Planned start time of this work order. This is populated only if the work order is scheduled. These columns cannot be modified directly.
PlannedEndTime Planned start time of this work order. This is populated only if the work order is scheduled. These columns cannot be modified directly.
ActualStartTime Actual start time of this work order. They can be entered directly.
ActualEndTime Actual end time of this work order. They can be entered directly.
BucketDate Date on which order should start. They can be modified. Any change in bucket date will modify the capacity of the resource accordingly.
RoutingId A unique identifier of a specific routing for this work order.
QuantityLocked Whether the specified quantity is locked or not. This is automatically turned to true if the work order.
LPST Latest possible start time of the order. If the order goes beyond LPST, it means that order will be late. These columns cannot be modified directly.
EPST Earliest possible start time of the order. Order cannot be made earlier than this date due to material availability constraints. These columns cannot be modified directly.
Remarks While making any changes to the work order, user can specify the reason for the changes.
SalesOrderId If a work order needs to be pegged to specific sales order, then that particular SalesOrderId will be populated here. If the OrderType in SalesOrderLine is "Project" then populating only SalesOrderId is sufficient. In the BomProduction table OrderSpcefic column should be set as True for the corresponding routing.
SalesLineId If the OrderType in SalesOrderLine is "Order" then SalesLineId should be populated here.
SDPOrder This column value will be generated while planning.



  • WorkOrderId should be unique

  • Item and RoutingId combination should be present in Bom Production

  • QuantityCompleted should not be greater than QuantityPlanned


A work order is a demand for some supply and also a supply for some demand.

Let us suppose PO feeding WO2, WO2 feeding WO1 and WO1 feeding SO

In the above example, WO2 is a demand for PO supply. Also, it is a supply for WO1 demand and ultimately it fulfils sales order SO. To view this pegging information, do as given below

  1. Select the work order whose details are to be viewed.

  2. Place the mouse over the “WorkOrderId” field and right-click on the mouse.

  3. This will display an option “Work Order Operation Plan” and “Pegged Info”

  4. Click on the option “Pegged Info”


Pegging details has the following three tabs

Sales order line : Displays which sales orders, the selected work order ultimately feeds. In the above example, it will display the sales order record for SO.

Pegged info: Displays the supply and demand for the selected work order. If the selected work order is WO2, then it will display the supply it receives from PO and the demand it gives to WO1.

Demand WorkOrders: Displays the demand Work Order(s) for the selected work order.

Supply WorkOrders: Displays the supply Work Order(s) for the selected work order.

Supply Inventory: Displays the supply inventory details for the selected work order.


Consolidate: User can consolidate any unreleased workorders of same item and routing by right click on WorkOrder and click on Consolidate. Select the WOs needs to be consolidated and click on Save.


Split: User can split any unreleased work Order of same item and routing by right click on WorkOrder and click on Split. Give WorkOrderId, QtyPlanned and Bucket date and click on Add. This will shows up a new row with splitted Quantity. Click on save to save the changes.
