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Batch Capacity

This defines the different batches that were created and the work orders associated with a batch.

Field Description
BatchId An identifier that uniquely identifies the batch
ResourceId Resource which operates on the batch
BatchType Type of batch
BucketDate Date on which batch is supposed to start
EndBucketDate Date on which batch is supposed to complete
BatchStatus Status of batch whether it is pending, started or completed
PlannedStartTime Planned start time of the batch. This is populated only if the batch is scheduled
PlannedEndTime Planned end time of the batch. This is populated only if the batch is scheduled
ActualDuration Actual time is taken to complete the batch. If the batch is partially completed, then this time should be updated before planning is run


To add a new Batch, click on the Add button and add the above fields.


  • BatchId should be unique

To define or view the work orders in a batch, right-click on the BatchId, and select WorkOrders


Field Description
BatchId An identifier that uniquely identifies the batch
RoutingId Routing to which the work order belongs
Operation Operation carried out by batch resource
ResourceId Resource which carries out the operation
WorkOrderId Work order belonging to this batch id
Quantity Work order quantity loaded on this batch
PercentageUtilization Percentage utilized by the work order on the batch
BatchLocked Whether the work order is locked in this batch. Can be either True or False


  • BatchId, Operation, ResourceId, and WorkOrderId should be unique