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Database Configuration

· User can Create the Database before Signing in to the Application.

Step 1: Log in to System Admin

· User can Sign in to the Application using the Web Application URL. For example, the URL can be something like this, http://localhost/WebApplicationSCM.


Step 2: Configure the Data Base

· Click on Database from the left side menus or the Database Configure icon on the Dashboard screen. Click on the Edit button to make changes to the existing Database.


· Page appears with the created Database where the user can create another Database or can Upgrade the existing Data Base.

· User can also Test the Connection by Clicking on the Test Connection button.

· Click on Create Database for New Database.

· Proper Server should be selected from the list available. We select Sql Server.


· Click on Next and Enter the SQL Server Name, Login Name and Password.

· Also Enter the Database Name and Click Finish.


· The user can also change the Database once they are created.

· Click on Edit and then click on the icon in front of Database Name.


· User can select any of the created databases and the same will appear in Database Name.


· The user can Upgrade the Database by clicking on the Upgrade Database button and Test the Connection by clicking on the Test Connection button.