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API Application Registration

Create Authentication Token

· Go to System Admin --> Authentication Token --> Add one row

· User can choose the expiry date for the token.


Configure API in API Configuration

· Go to System Admin --> API Configuration --> Add rows

· For Import data, Table Name is required and should specify InsertType (Append,Replace,Clear All) also

· For Export data, SQL query is required.

· Check this Example


Use Postman for API test

· We use the API tool Postman to test Planvisage Web Application API

· For using Postman, follow the steps given below

Step 1: Install Postman API platform

· If you already installed Postman, skip this step

· Download Postman supported for your OS by clicking on the link:

· Install Postman, Create a new free account and open it


Step 2: Create New Workspace and collection

· Create a Workspace (This is optional. If you want to create you should sign up first)

· Create a collection and name it. For Eg: TestAPI (Click on + icon near the Collections )

Step 3: Test Planvisage Web Application API

· Before testing API, check Planvisage Web Application API is live and running

· Click on Add a request


· Give request URL: http://localhost/WebApplicationSCM/JSONAPI/HealthCheck

Title : HealthCheck

Request type :  GET

Save it and send


If the Planvisage Web Application API is live and running then we will get the following response


Step 4: Call API to get with access token using registration token

· Click on New --> HTTP Request

· Give URL for AccessToken : http://localhost/WebApplicationSCM/JSONAPI/GetAccessToken

Title : GetAccessToken

    In Header part

Key : AuthenticationToken

Value : copy token from Authentication Token in System Admin and paste

Save it in the current collection and Send

image-202301121350 image-202301121351

· You will get an Access token like below


· Access token will be active for a little time.

So whenever you get the result "Access token Expired", come back to 'GetAccessToken' and click on Send.

Copy the new access token and use it

Step 5: Call API to Pull data using access token

· Give URL for Pull Data : http://localhost/WebApplicationSCM/JSONAPI/PullData

Type : POST

Title  :  PullData

    In Header part

1st Key name :  AccessToken

Value : Copy the access token from the previous tab 'GetAccessToken' and paste

2nd Key Name : APIName

Value  :  Copy API name from table in which type is Export

Save it and Send

image-202301121500 image-202301121501

· You will get a result in JSON format

Step 6: Call API to Push data using access token

· Duplicate PullData by clicking on the three dots in PullData or 'Ctrl+D'

· Give URL for Push Data : http://localhost/WebApplicationSCM/JSONAPI/PullData

Type : POST

Title  :  PushData

    Change in Header

2nd Key Name : APIName

Value : take name from table in which type is Import

image-202301121500 image-202301121501

For push data, the data should be in JSON format

Go back to PullData -> Copy one row of data from the result like in the image or copy the entire result


Return to PushData

Click on Body --> Click Row

Paste the code inside the Row; if you selected only one row of data, don't forget to close the brackets

Save it and Send


· You will get a successful result as given below


Hence the API Test is completed

You can also test API for Replace/ClearAll operation by changing the Insert type in API Configuration or adding a new row